Your Customer’s Sales Database Needs a Massive Refresh

Power Customers With The Best Professional, Business & Technographic Data Licencing Service.

Are You In the Business Of Providing Commercial Data Or Business Lead Data To Clients?

Meet the team that builds leads lists for the world’s largest marketing & sales data providers.

We help drive over 1 billion business conversations every month. With our data licensing services we help you fuel your data engines with the aptest data sets so that you can focus on strategizing, ideation, and managing your sales.

Customer Lead Data Is About People
Leverage our expertise to ensure week-on-week fresh and net-new B2B professional data.

Keep pace with the movement of business professionals.

Lead databases are volatile and subject to frequent changes as professionals change job roles and organizations.

Keep your clients happy with the most updated lead data.

Your search for a reliable partner to keep your professional database up-to-date now has a reliable destination by collaborting with us.

Keep abreast with industry best practices.

We keep following the industry best practices to keep our customer database brimming with active contacts.

Create A Continuous Pipeline Of Net-New Contacts For Your Clients

Become a provider of professional B2B lead data.

Here is the data-driven pitch that you can make all yours.

Leverage Our Data Mining Capabilities

Position yourself as a trusted lead data builder.

Ask For Call back

Compiling data by adhering to international laws

800+ strong team dedicated towards continuous data collection

Data sourced from an extensive network of tradeshow organizers, content creators

Seeking customer consent for using their data for campaigns

Data Hygiene at Every Step

We maintain unparalleled data hygiene in all our data compilation and consolidation initiatives

Context-Based Data Intelligence

We collaborate with you to identify and add data intelligence according to the context requested.

Robust Data Cleansing Initiatives

We ensure that the data we source to you is accurate, qualified, refreshed, and de-duped

How We Can Help Build and Fulfil Your Clients' Sales Data Needs

Providing context-based data of your customers' top sales prospects through our Data Licence Framework.


Business conversation to drive revenue


Fresh Monthly Data Insights


New Deals & Partnerships


net new contacts every month

We employ a rigorous de-dupe strategy on all the data we source for our clients. We employ a combination of automated and manual de-duplication processes. At the end of this what the client gets is a clean and accurate data set that builds their authority and that which helps maintain data integrity.

Your Customers’ Accurate Sales Data
Is With Us

Come and partner to begin this journey of endless profitability.
We help you derive value-based business outcomes.
Span Global Services is your most trusted partner for all your data solutining needs.

We take care of your end-to-end data needs right from data mining, validation, vetting, consolidation, compilation, data scrubbing, cleansing, and de-duping – while you take the back seat on performing the mundane data operations.

Our data solutions support data providers across industry verticals and this includes support for:

o Digital Marketing Data
o Analytics Data
o Technology Data
o Creative Services Data
o Healthcare Data
o Logistics and Supply Chain Data and more

We Support Diverse Industries For Their Commercial Data Building Needs

We are global players and with our data licensing services we help bridge the gap for contextually relevant data.

Regions Covered:

o North America
o South Asia
o Europe

Join us in the journey of endless possibilities.

Planning to build your next big commercial database?

We can do a lot more beyond the data that we source to support your clients. Our data licensing services also gives you the added confidence to run the following campaigns:

Email Campaigns / Surveys

Social Outreach

Tele-Marketing Campaigns

Offsite Teams (Demand Generation, Staffing, IT support, etc.)

Webinars / Virtual Events

Digital Marketing

Schedule An Insight Session To Meet Your Commercial Data Needs

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